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    Advent of Code 2023 Day 19

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    Advent of Code 2023 Day 21

Table of contents
  1. Day 20: Pulse Propagation
  2. Module behaviour
  3. Parsing
  4. Part 1
    1. Helpers
    2. Code
  5. Part 2
    1. Helpers
    2. Code
  6. Final code

Advent of Code 2023 Day 20

Day 20: Pulse Propagation

The elves fixed the sand machines, but they need to be booted up.

The machines are connected with cables, and each machine has a communication module attached to it.

Those modules communicate using pulses, either a high pulse, of a low pulse.

A module sends its pulse to all of its destination modules.

Today’s input describes to grid of modules.

An example input looks like this:

broadcaster -> a, b, c
%a -> b
%b -> c
%c -> inv
&inv -> a

Each line describes a module:

  • To the left of the arrow is the source module.
  • To the right of the arrow are its destination modules

A module can have several types:

  1. A flipflop module, its name is prefixed with a %
  2. A conjugation module, its name is prefixed with a &
  3. The broadcaster module, each grid has one of these

Module behaviour

Flip-flop modules (prefix %) are either on or off. They are initially off. If a flip-flop module receives a high pulse, it is ignored and nothing happens. However, if a flip-flop module receives a low pulse, it flips between on and off. If it was off, it turns on and sends a high pulse. If it was on, it turns off and sends a low pulse.

Conjunction modules (prefix &) remember the type of the most recent pulse received from each of their connected input modules. They initially default to remembering a low pulse for each input. When a pulse is received, the conjunction module first updates its memory for that input. Then, if it remembers high pulses for all inputs, it sends a low pulse; otherwise, it sends a high pulse.

There is a single broadcast module (named broadcaster). When it receives a pulse, it sends the same pulse to all of its destination modules.

The button module. When you push the button, a single low pulse is sent directly to the broadcaster module.

Pulses are processed in the order they are sent. In other words, every time a pulse is sent, push onto the back of queue. The next pulse to be processed is the next pulse you pop off the front of the queue.


I parsed the input into 2 maps.

  1. From a name to a list of destinations
  2. From a name to a module

A module:

enum Module<'a> {
FlipFlop {
on: bool,
Conjunction {
memory: HashMap<&'a str, PulseStrength>,

A flipflop module has an internal boolean to determine if it’s on.

The memory of a conjugation module keeps track of the previous strength each of its input modules sent previously.

enum PulseStrength {
fn parse_line(s: &str) -> (&str, Module, Vec<&str>) {
let (lhs, rhs) = s.split_once(" -> ").unwrap();
let outputs: Vec<&str> = rhs.split(", ").collect();
let module = match &lhs[0..1] {
"b" => Module::Broadcaster,
// Flipflop modules are initially off.
"%" => Module::FlipFlop { on: false },
"&" => Module::Conjunction {
memory: HashMap::new(),
_ => panic!(),
let name = if module == Module::Broadcaster {
} else {
(name, module, outputs)
fn parse(input: &str) -> (HashMap<&str, Vec<&str>>, HashMap<&str, Module>) {
let mut destmap = HashMap::new();
let mut modulemap = HashMap::new();
for (name, module, destinations) in input.lines().map(|line| parse_line(line)) {
modulemap.insert(name, module);
destmap.insert(name, destinations);
// set the initial remembered pulses to a low pulse for every module that's connected to a conjuction module
for (source, destinations) in &destmap {
for destination in destinations {
if let Some(Module::Conjunction { memory }) = modulemap.get_mut(destination) {
memory.insert(source, PulseStrength::Low);
(destmap, modulemap)

Part 1

Press the button 1000 times. The question asks what you get if you multiply the total number of low pulses sent by the total number of high pulses sent?


The queue holds a Pulses:

struct Pulse<'a> {
from: &'a str,
to: &'a str,
strength: PulseStrength,

A method on Pulse that allows it to be sent. It figures out which pulse strength it would send (if any), and then sends that pulse to all of its destinations (by pushing a new Pulse onto the queue).

impl<'a> Pulse<'a> {
fn send(
modulemap: &mut HashMap<&'a str, Module>,
destmap: &HashMap<&'a str, Vec<&'a str>>,
q: &mut VecDeque<Pulse<'a>>,
) {
let Some(module) = modulemap.get_mut( else {
// hit the rx module, it doesn't send anything
// figure out which pulse to send, if any
let send = match module {
Module::FlipFlop { on } => match self.strength {
// If a flip-flop module receives a high pulse, it is ignored and nothing happens.
PulseStrength::High => None,
// However, if a flip-flop module receives a low pulse, it flips between on and off.
// If it was off, it turns on and sends a high pulse. If it was on, it turns off and sends a low pulse.
PulseStrength::Low => {
*on = !*on;
let strength = if *on {
} else {
Module::Conjunction { memory } => {
// When a pulse is received, the conjunction module first updates its memory for that input.
*memory.get_mut(self.from).unwrap() = self.strength;
// then, if it remembers high pulses for all inputs, it sends a low pulse; otherwise, it sends a high pulse.
let strength = if memory
.all(|&strength| strength == PulseStrength::High)
} else {
// There is a single broadcast module (named broadcaster).
// When it receives a pulse, it sends the same pulse to all of its destination modules.
Module::Broadcaster => Some(self.strength),
// send pulses to all destinations
if let Some(strength) = send {
for &to in destmap.get( {
let pulse = Pulse {

pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> u64 {
let (destmap, mut modulemap) = parse(input);
let mut low_count = 0;
let mut high_count = 0;
for _ in 0..1_000 {
let mut q = VecDeque::new();
q.push_back(Pulse {
from: "button",
to: "broadcaster",
strength: PulseStrength::Low,
while let Some(pulse) = q.pop_front() {
match pulse.strength {
PulseStrength::Low => low_count += 1,
PulseStrength::High => high_count += 1,
pulse.send(&mut modulemap, &destmap, &mut q)
low_count * high_count

Part 2

The final module is named "rx". The machine turns on when a single low pulse is sent to "rx".

The question asks what the fewest number of button presses required to deliver a single low pulse to the module named rx is.

This part required some investigation of the input file.

The singular module before "rx" is always a conjugation module.

So if all modules connected to that module have previously sent a high strength signal, it will send a low strength signal.

That’s the condition to look for, after how many button presses does that happen?

I kept track of how many button presses it takes for each module connected to that final conjugation module to send a high signal.

If I’ve seen all those modules sent a high signal, I determine when they would have all sent one previously.

Like previous days, this is the least common multiple of all individual button presses.


A way to calculate the least common multiple of 2 numbers:

fn gcd(mut a: u64, mut b: u64) -> u64 {
while b != 0 {
let tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp % b;
fn lcm(a: u64, b: u64) -> u64 {
a * b / gcd(a, b)

pub fn part_2(input: &str) -> u64 {
let (destmap, mut modulemap) = parse(input);
let (before_rx, _) = destmap
.find(|(_, destinations)| destinations.contains(&"rx"))
let Module::Conjunction { memory } = modulemap.get(before_rx).unwrap() else {
panic!("module before rx should be a conjunction")
// since the module before rx is a conjunction, is needs all its inputs to have sent a high signal in order to send a low signal
// remember after how many presses an input to before_rx sent a high signal
let mut tracker: HashMap<&str, Option<u64>> = memory.keys().map(|&name| (name, None)).collect();
for presses in 1.. {
let mut q = VecDeque::new();
q.push_back(Pulse {
from: "button",
to: "broadcaster",
strength: PulseStrength::Low,
while let Some(pulse) = q.pop_front() {
if == *before_rx && pulse.strength == PulseStrength::High {
*tracker.get_mut(pulse.from).unwrap() = Some(presses);
// if all inputs to before_rx have a known presscount, figure out when they all send a high signal at the same time
if tracker.values().all(|presses| presses.is_some()) {
return tracker
.map(|presses| presses.unwrap())
.fold(1, |acc, curr| lcm(acc, curr));
pulse.send(&mut modulemap, &destmap, &mut q)
panic!("No solution")

Final code
1use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
3#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
4enum Module<'a> {
5 FlipFlop {
6 on: bool,
7 },
8 Conjunction {
9 memory: HashMap<&'a str, PulseStrength>,
10 },
11 Broadcaster,
14#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
15struct Pulse<'a> {
16 from: &'a str,
17 to: &'a str,
18 strength: PulseStrength,
21impl<'a> Pulse<'a> {
22 fn send(
23 self,
24 modulemap: &mut HashMap<&'a str, Module>,
25 destmap: &HashMap<&'a str, Vec<&'a str>>,
26 q: &mut VecDeque<Pulse<'a>>,
27 ) {
28 let Some(module) = modulemap.get_mut( else {
29 // hit the rx module, it doesn't send anything
30 return;
31 };
33 // figure out which pulse to send, if any
34 let send = match module {
35 Module::FlipFlop { on } => match self.strength {
36 // If a flip-flop module receives a high pulse, it is ignored and nothing happens.
37 PulseStrength::High => None,
38 // However, if a flip-flop module receives a low pulse, it flips between on and off.
39 // If it was off, it turns on and sends a high pulse. If it was on, it turns off and sends a low pulse.
40 PulseStrength::Low => {
41 *on = !*on;
42 let strength = if *on {
43 PulseStrength::High
44 } else {
45 PulseStrength::Low
46 };
47 Some(strength)
48 }
49 },
50 Module::Conjunction { memory } => {
51 // When a pulse is received, the conjunction module first updates its memory for that input.
52 *memory.get_mut(self.from).unwrap() = self.strength;
53 // then, if it remembers high pulses for all inputs, it sends a low pulse; otherwise, it sends a high pulse.
54 let strength = if memory
55 .values()
56 .all(|&strength| strength == PulseStrength::High)
57 {
58 PulseStrength::Low
59 } else {
60 PulseStrength::High
61 };
62 Some(strength)
63 }
64 // There is a single broadcast module (named broadcaster).
65 // When it receives a pulse, it sends the same pulse to all of its destination modules.
66 Module::Broadcaster => Some(self.strength),
67 };
69 // send pulses to all destinations
70 if let Some(strength) = send {
71 for &to in destmap.get( {
72 let pulse = Pulse {
73 from:,
74 to,
75 strength,
76 };
77 q.push_back(pulse);
78 }
79 };
80 }
83#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
84enum PulseStrength {
85 Low,
86 High,
89fn parse_line(s: &str) -> (&str, Module, Vec<&str>) {
90 let (lhs, rhs) = s.split_once(" -> ").unwrap();
91 let outputs: Vec<&str> = rhs.split(", ").collect();
92 let module = match &lhs[0..1] {
93 "b" => Module::Broadcaster,
94 "%" => Module::FlipFlop { on: false },
95 "&" => Module::Conjunction {
96 memory: HashMap::new(),
97 },
98 _ => panic!(),
99 };
100 let name = if module == Module::Broadcaster {
101 lhs
102 } else {
103 &lhs[1..]
104 };
106 (name, module, outputs)
109fn parse(input: &str) -> (HashMap<&str, Vec<&str>>, HashMap<&str, Module>) {
110 let mut destmap = HashMap::new();
111 let mut modulemap = HashMap::new();
113 for (name, module, destinations) in input.lines().map(|line| parse_line(line)) {
114 modulemap.insert(name, module);
115 destmap.insert(name, destinations);
116 }
118 // set the initial remembered pulses to a low pulse for every module that's connected to a conjuction module
119 for (source, destinations) in &destmap {
120 for destination in destinations {
121 if let Some(Module::Conjunction { memory }) = modulemap.get_mut(destination) {
122 memory.insert(source, PulseStrength::Low);
123 }
124 }
125 }
127 (destmap, modulemap)
130fn gcd(mut a: u64, mut b: u64) -> u64 {
131 while b != 0 {
132 let tmp = a;
133 a = b;
134 b = tmp % b;
135 }
136 a
139fn lcm(a: u64, b: u64) -> u64 {
140 a * b / gcd(a, b)
143pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> u64 {
144 let (destmap, mut modulemap) = parse(input);
146 let mut low_count = 0;
147 let mut high_count = 0;
149 for _ in 0..1_000 {
150 let mut q = VecDeque::new();
151 q.push_back(Pulse {
152 from: "button",
153 to: "broadcaster",
154 strength: PulseStrength::Low,
155 });
156 while let Some(pulse) = q.pop_front() {
157 match pulse.strength {
158 PulseStrength::Low => low_count += 1,
159 PulseStrength::High => high_count += 1,
160 }
161 pulse.send(&mut modulemap, &destmap, &mut q)
162 }
163 }
165 low_count * high_count
168pub fn part_2(input: &str) -> u64 {
169 let (destmap, mut modulemap) = parse(input);
170 let (before_rx, _) = destmap
171 .iter()
172 .find(|(_, destinations)| destinations.contains(&"rx"))
173 .unwrap();
174 let Module::Conjunction { memory } = modulemap.get(before_rx).unwrap() else {
175 panic!("module before rx should be a conjunction")
176 };
178 // since the module before rx is a conjunction, is needs all its inputs to have sent a high signal in order to send a low signal
179 // remember after how many presses an input to before_rx sent a high signal
180 let mut tracker: HashMap<&str, Option<u64>> = memory.keys().map(|&name| (name, None)).collect();
182 for presses in 1.. {
183 let mut q = VecDeque::new();
184 q.push_back(Pulse {
185 from: "button",
186 to: "broadcaster",
187 strength: PulseStrength::Low,
188 });
190 while let Some(pulse) = q.pop_front() {
191 if == *before_rx && pulse.strength == PulseStrength::High {
192 *tracker.get_mut(pulse.from).unwrap() = Some(presses);
193 // if all inputs to before_rx have a known presscount, figure out when they all send a high signal at the same time
194 if tracker.values().all(|presses| presses.is_some()) {
195 return tracker
196 .values()
197 .map(|presses| presses.unwrap())
198 .fold(1, |acc, curr| lcm(acc, curr));
199 }
200 }
202 pulse.send(&mut modulemap, &destmap, &mut q)
203 }
204 }
206 panic!("No solution")

Series navigation for: Advent of Code 2023

1. Advent of Code 2023 Day 1

Designed and developed by Nicky Meuleman

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