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    Advent of Code 2023 Day 21

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    Advent of Code 2023 Day 23

Table of contents
  1. Day 22: Sand Slabs
  2. Parsing
  3. Part 1
    1. Preparation
    2. Helpers
    3. Code
  4. Part 2
    1. Helpers
    2. Code
  5. Final code

Advent of Code 2023 Day 22

Day 22: Sand Slabs

The sand is falling in compacted bricks. They are stacking on top of each other!

Today’s input is a snapshot of the bricks while they were still falling.

An example input looks like this:


Each line of the input represent a single brick. It is represented by 2 points, one for each end of the brick/stick/whetever you want to call them.

The bricks will never rotate, and are very strong (something, something, magic). Even if only one piece of a brick is supporting all other bricks, the tower will not fall.

The bricks cannot pass through eachother, so a falling brick will come to rest when it encounters a space that is either occupied by an other brick, or the ground.

The ground is located at z=0, a higher z means the brick is up in the air higher.


The 2 points for a brick are separated by a tilde ~, and each coordinate within it is separated by a comma ,.

I used the word coordinate, so I made a Coord structure. One that can handle 3D space this time. Paired with a method that can turn a string like "1,2,3" into a Coord { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}:

struct Coord {
x: u16,
y: u16,
z: u16,
impl Coord {
fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
let (x, y, z) = s.split(",").collect_tuple().unwrap();
Self {
x: x.parse().unwrap(),
y: y.parse().unwrap(),
z: z.parse().unwrap(),

A Brick has 2 Coords, one for from, and one for to.

struct Brick {
from: Coord,
to: Coord,
impl Brick {
fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
let (lhs, rhs) = s.split_once("~").unwrap();
Self {
from: Coord::from(lhs),
to: Coord::from(rhs),

Using that to parse the input into a list of bricks:

fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<Brick> {

Part 1

First, let the sky bricks fall.

The question asks how many bricks can be safely disintegrated.

A brick can be safely disintegrated if removing it causes no other bricks to fall.

The pseudocode I want to work towards:

let mut bricks = parse(input);
.filter(/* keep bricks that disintegrate safely */)


To let every brick fall, I sorted all bricks by z first, then made them fall one by one, starting at the lowest one.

fn prepare(bricks: &mut Vec<Brick>) {
// sort bricks by lowest height
bricks.sort_by_key(|brick| brick.from.z);
// coord - block_idx
let mut occupied = HashSet::new();
for brick in bricks.iter_mut() {
for (x, y, z) in iproduct!(,,
) {
let coord = Coord { x, y, z };

The occupied map keeps track of every single Coord that is occupied by bricks that have come to rest. After a Brick has fallen, all its coordinates are added to the occupied map, and the next Brick can start falling.

The fall method lets a Brick fall as far as possible while respecting the positions that are already occupied.

impl Brick {
fn can_fall(&self, occupied: &HashSet<Coord>) -> bool {
// ground is at z == 0
let above_ground = self.from.z > 1;
let blocked = (
.any(|(x, y)| {
let pos = Coord {
z: self.from.z - 1,
above_ground && !blocked
fn fall(&mut self, occupied: &HashSet<Coord>) {
while self.can_fall(occupied) {
self.from.z -= 1; -= 1;

Now that the bricks have fallen, I want to build up some data structure that keeps track of which bricks are supporting/supported by other bricks.

This can be done while letting the bricks fall!

For every brick, I kept track if the index in that sorted list to identify it. When a brick has fallen, I add every Coord the brick occupies to 2 maps.

  1. Above map - given the index of a brick, return all bricks it supports
  2. Below map - given the index of a brick, return all bricks it is supported by.

To achieve this, some minor changes:

fn prepare(bricks: &mut Vec<Brick>) -> (HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>, HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>) {
// sort bricks by lowest height
bricks.sort_by_key(|brick| brick.from.z);
// coord - block_idx
let mut occupied = HashMap::new();
let mut above_map: HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>> = HashMap::new();
let mut below_map: HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>> = HashMap::new();
for (idx, brick) in bricks.iter_mut().enumerate() {
for (x, y) in ( {
for z in {
let coord = Coord { x, y, z };
occupied.insert(coord, idx as u16);
// check if the coord of a brick below this one (that's why we use the min z, to handle vertical blocks) is occupied
let below = Coord {
z: brick.from.z - 1,
if let Some(&below_idx) = occupied.get(&below) {
above_map.entry(below_idx).or_default().insert(idx as u16);
below_map.entry(idx as u16).or_default().insert(below_idx);
(above_map, below_map)

And to the methods on Brick:

impl Brick {
fn can_fall(&self, occupied: &HashMap<Coord, u16>) -> bool {
// ground is at z == 0
let above_ground = self.from.z > 1;
let blocked = (
.any(|(x, y)| {
let pos = Coord {
z: self.from.z - 1,
above_ground && !blocked
fn fall(&mut self, occupied: &HashMap<Coord, u16>) {
while self.can_fall(occupied) {
self.from.z -= 1; -= 1;


Using those 2 maps I can write a helper function to determine if a brick is safe to disintegrate.

The function takes in an id (index in the list of resting bricks) along with those 2 maps.

For every id that gets passed to the function:

  1. If no bricks are above it, it is safe to disintegrate.
  2. If there are bricks above it, removing it should not cause any of those bricks to fall.
fn disintegrates_safely(
id: u16,
above_map: &HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>,
below_map: &HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>,
) -> bool {
if let Some(above) = above_map.get(&id) {
// check if the removed block was the only one supporting this upper block
.all(|idx| below_map.get(idx).unwrap().len() > 1)
} else {
// no blocks above, this block is safe to remove

pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
let mut bricks = parse(input);
let (above_map, below_map) = prepare(&mut bricks);
.filter(|&id| disintegrates_safely(id as u16, &above_map, &below_map))

Part 2

It’s not fast enough! We’ll have to take risks and set off a chain reaction.

For every individual brick, calculate how many bricks would fall if you remove it.

The question asks what the sum is of all those bricks.

The pseudocode I want to work towards:

let mut bricks = parse(input);
let (above_map, below_map) = prepare(&mut bricks);
.map(/* remove 1 brick and calculate how many other bricks fall */)


The parsing and preparating are identical to part1.

A function that takes in the id of a Brick, removes it, and recurses with the ids of all Bricks that no longer have any Brick supporting them:

fn disintegrate(
id: u16,
above_map: &HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>,
below_map: &HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>,
disintegrated: &mut HashSet<u16>,
) {
if let Some(above) = above_map.get(&id) {
for above_idx in above {
if let Some(below) = below_map.get(above_idx) {
if below.iter().all(|idx| disintegrated.contains(idx)) {
disintegrate(*above_idx, above_map, below_map, disintegrated)

The id of every removed Brick is remembered in a set. So the length of that set - 1 is the amount of every other brick the first brick caused to fall. (minus 1 because it includes the brick that was originally removed, and the question doesn’t ask for that)

pub fn part_2(input: &str) -> usize {
let mut bricks = parse(input);
let (above_map, below_map) = prepare(&mut bricks);
.map(|id| {
let mut disintegrated = HashSet::new();
disintegrate(id as u16, &above_map, &below_map, &mut disintegrated);
disintegrated.len() - 1

Final code
1use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
3use itertools::{iproduct, Itertools};
5#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
6struct Coord {
7 x: u16,
8 y: u16,
9 z: u16,
12impl Coord {
13 fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
14 let (x, y, z) = s.split(",").collect_tuple().unwrap();
15 Self {
16 x: x.parse().unwrap(),
17 y: y.parse().unwrap(),
18 z: z.parse().unwrap(),
19 }
20 }
23struct Brick {
24 from: Coord,
25 to: Coord,
28impl Brick {
29 fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
30 let (lhs, rhs) = s.split_once("~").unwrap();
31 Self {
32 from: Coord::from(lhs),
33 to: Coord::from(rhs),
34 }
35 }
37 fn can_fall(&self, occupied: &HashMap<Coord, u16>) -> bool {
38 // ground is at z == 0
39 let above_ground = self.from.z > 1;
40 let blocked = (
41 .cartesian_product(
42 .any(|(x, y)| {
43 let pos = Coord {
44 x,
45 y,
46 z: self.from.z - 1,
47 };
48 occupied.contains_key(&pos)
49 });
51 above_ground && !blocked
52 }
54 fn fall(&mut self, occupied: &HashMap<Coord, u16>) {
55 while self.can_fall(occupied) {
56 self.from.z -= 1;
57 -= 1;
58 }
59 }
62fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<Brick> {
63 input.lines().map(Brick::from).collect()
66fn disintegrate(
67 id: u16,
68 above_map: &HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>,
69 below_map: &HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>,
70 disintegrated: &mut HashSet<u16>,
71) {
72 disintegrated.insert(id);
74 if let Some(above) = above_map.get(&id) {
75 for above_idx in above {
76 if let Some(below) = below_map.get(above_idx) {
77 if below.iter().all(|idx| disintegrated.contains(idx)) {
78 disintegrate(*above_idx, above_map, below_map, disintegrated)
79 }
80 }
81 }
82 }
85fn disintegrates_safely(
86 id: u16,
87 above_map: &HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>,
88 below_map: &HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>,
89) -> bool {
90 if let Some(above) = above_map.get(&id) {
91 // check if the removed block was the only one supporting this upper block
92 above
93 .iter()
94 .all(|idx| below_map.get(idx).unwrap().len() > 1)
95 } else {
96 // no blocks above, this block is safe to remove
97 true
98 }
101fn prepare(bricks: &mut Vec<Brick>) -> (HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>, HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>>) {
102 // sort bricks by lowest height
103 bricks.sort_by_key(|brick| brick.from.z);
105 // coord - block_idx
106 let mut occupied = HashMap::new();
107 let mut above_map: HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>> = HashMap::new();
108 let mut below_map: HashMap<u16, HashSet<u16>> = HashMap::new();
110 for (idx, brick) in bricks.iter_mut().enumerate() {
111 brick.fall(&occupied);
113 for (x, y) in ( {
114 for z in {
115 let coord = Coord { x, y, z };
116 occupied.insert(coord, idx as u16);
117 }
118 // check if the coord of a brick below this one (that's why we use the min z, to handle vertical blocks) is occupied
119 let below = Coord {
120 x,
121 y,
122 z: brick.from.z - 1,
123 };
124 if let Some(&below_idx) = occupied.get(&below) {
125 above_map.entry(below_idx).or_default().insert(idx as u16);
126 below_map.entry(idx as u16).or_default().insert(below_idx);
127 }
128 }
129 }
131 (above_map, below_map)
134pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
135 let mut bricks = parse(input);
136 let (above_map, below_map) = prepare(&mut bricks);
138 (0..bricks.len())
139 .filter(|&id| disintegrates_safely(id as u16, &above_map, &below_map))
140 .count()
143pub fn part_2(input: &str) -> usize {
144 let mut bricks = parse(input);
145 let (above_map, below_map) = prepare(&mut bricks);
147 (0..bricks.len())
148 .map(|id| {
149 let mut disintegrated = HashSet::new();
150 disintegrate(id as u16, &above_map, &below_map, &mut disintegrated);
151 disintegrated.len() - 1
152 })
153 .sum()

Series navigation for: Advent of Code 2023

1. Advent of Code 2023 Day 1

Designed and developed by Nicky Meuleman

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