
Advent of Code 2024 Day 16

Day 16: Reindeer Maze

Another day, another familiar location.

You are at the reindeer olympics, where the big even is navigating through a maze in as short a route as possible.

An example input looks like this:


O, look, a 2D-grid!

  • # is a wall
  • . is an empty space
  • S is the starting location
  • E is the ending location


If you’ve been following along, you know what I do when I see a puzzle with coordinates by now, Point! I added a Tile enum for all the locations on the map.

Data structures

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
struct Point {
row: i32,
col: i32,
impl Point {
fn new(row: i32, col: i32) -> Self {
Self { row, col }
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
enum Tile {

I chose to store the grid in a map again where keys are Point and values are Tile. Also the Points for start and end are returned.

fn parse(input: &str) -> (Point, Point, HashMap<Point, Tile>) {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
let mut start = Point::new(0, 0);
let mut end = Point::new(0, 0);
for (row, line) in input.lines().enumerate() {
for (col, c) in line.chars().enumerate() {
let point = Point::new(row as i32, col as i32);
let tile = match c {
'.' => Tile::Empty,
'#' => Tile::Wall,
'E' => Tile::End,
'S' => Tile::Start,
_ => panic!("at the disco"),
if tile == Tile::Start {
start = point;
if tile == Tile::End {
end = point;
map.insert(point, tile);
(start, end, map)

Part 1

The reindeer have to find the shortest path through a maze. They start at the starting position facing east (I will represent directions with a Point again). The maze is completed when they reach the ending direction, which direction they face at that point doesn’t matter.

The reindeer can only move forward or turn 90 degrees:

  • Each move forward costs 1.
  • Each 90 degree turns costs 1000.

The reindeer have to find the shortest path you say? You want the lowest cost you say? BAM! DIJKSTRA!

I heavily commented my code today.


Dijkstra uses a priority queue. I want whatever item is in the queue that has the lowest cost to be popped from the queue first.

To do this in Rust, I’ll use a BinaryHeap, and define how things in that heap should be ordered.

The things in that heap will be my own Node structs. Those hold 3 things:

  1. a position
  2. a direction
  3. a cost

The Nodes are ordered by their cost, so a Node in the priority queue with the lowest cost will get popped first.

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Node {
pos: Point,
dir: Point,
cost: u32,
// The priority queue holds Nodes
// We define an ordering trait so the one with the lowest cost gets popped from the pq first.
// We do this by flipping the ordering on cost (comparing "other to self" instead of "self to other")
// that way, nodes with a lower cost will compare as Ordering::Greater, and get sent to the front of the pq
impl Ord for Node {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
// Ensure partialOrd is consistent with Ord. If you #[derive(PartialOrd)] this it might not be the same as that implementation uses a top-down ordering on the Node struct fields
// in this case, it would order by idx first (as that field occurs first in the source code where Node is defined) and would not be consistent.
// From the docs:
// > If Ord is also implemented for Self and Rhs, it must also be consistent with partial_cmp (see the documentation of that trait for the exact requirements).
// > It’s easy to accidentally make them disagree by deriving some of the traits and manually implementing others.
impl PartialOrd for Node {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

Now, the rules for movement costs. At some point in the algorithm, I need to produce all possible next steps, and I decided to make a helper for it. It takes in the map, the current position and direction, and returns a list of all possible moves.

And 2 possible moves are turns, so I updated the logic for Point to handle that.

A resulting valid move consists of 3 things:

  1. the new position
  2. the new facing direction
  3. the cost for that move
impl Point {
fn new(row: i32, col: i32) -> Self {
Self { row, col }
fn add(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
Self::new(self.row + other.row, self.col + other.col)
fn clockwise(&self) -> Self {
Point::new(self.col, -self.row)
fn counter_clockwise(&self) -> Self {
Point::new(-self.col, self.row)
fn moves(map: &HashMap<Point, Tile>, pos: Point, dir: Point) -> Vec<(Point, Point, u32)> {
let mut moves = Vec::new();
// move forward one
let new_loc = pos.add(&dir);
if let Some(&tile) = map.get(&new_loc) {
if tile != Tile::Wall {
moves.push((new_loc, dir, 1));
// turn clockwise
moves.push((pos, dir.clockwise(), 1000));
// turn counterclockwise
moves.push((pos, dir.counter_clockwise(), 1000));

Time to bring it all together and implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. This function takes in the map, the start, and the end. It returns the minimum cost to reach the end given the rules.

fn shortest_path(map: &HashMap<Point, Tile>, start: Point, end: Point) -> u32 {
// total cost to reach a point facing a direction
let mut shortest: HashMap<(Point, Point), u32> = HashMap::new();
// priority queue with ordering so the Node with the lowest cost gets popped first
let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
// insert the initial position, facing east into the pq
pq.push(Node {
pos: start,
dir: Point::new(0, 1),
cost: 0,
// keep popping from the pq until it is empty (no path found), or we break out of the loop (shortest path found)
while let Some(node) = pq.pop() {
// did we pop our goal position off the pq?
// if so, it is guaranteed to have the lowest cost, and we're done
if node.pos == end {
return node.cost;
// did we pop something off the pq that got a lower-cost route to it in between the time it was added to the pq and popped off the pq?
// (this can happen when there are multiple ways to reach a node, and a lower cost one is discovered while this node was in the pq)
// if yes, disregard (don't update the shortest-list OR look at the possible next steps for this node.
// Looking at the next steps would calculate costs for paths through this node, but it's not the lowest cost way to reach it.)
if let Some(&lowest) = shortest.get(&(node.pos, node.dir)) {
if lowest < node.cost {
// the node we popped from the pq was the shortest path to that location, facint that direction. Update the shortest-map
shortest.insert((node.pos, node.dir), node.cost);
// look at all possible moves
for (new_pos, new_dir, move_cost) in moves(map, node.pos, node.dir) {
// calculate the total cost if you execute that move
let new_cost = node.cost + move_cost;
// if the new cost to get to that (new_pos, new_dir) pair isn't lower than what is already in the shortest-list, move on to the next move
if let Some(&lowest) = shortest.get(&(new_pos, new_dir)) {
if lowest <= new_cost {
// add that move onto the pq
pq.push(Node {
pos: new_pos,
dir: new_dir,
cost: new_cost,
// important to not exit the loop here if the new position is equal to our goal
// we might not have looked at the lowest-cost way to reach the goal yet
unreachable!("No path found")


Another one where all heavy lifting is in helpers so the driving-code is nice and short.
fn part_1(input: &str) -> u32 {
let (start, end, map) = parse(input);
shortest_path(&map, start, end)

Part 2

You want to watch the event and want a good place to sit. Each empty space (., S, and E) is equipped with a seat.

The question asks how many seats there are along a (not the! a!) shortest path.

This requires some changes to our code.

  1. It can no longer stop when it finds a shortest path, it should find all shortest paths.
  2. I need to reconstruct all Points along all shortest paths, the answer is the length of that set of Points.

That first part is done by no longer returning from the function when I find a node at the ending position, but continuing until I see an ending node whose cost is higher than a previous ending node.

To do the second change I’ll keep track of where a Node came from. For each Node that is created, it refers to the previous Node on its path. Whenever I find a Node whose position is at the ending, I backtrack through all those steps until I reach the start.

I added a from field to my Node struct that points to another Node. In rust, this is a bit tricky, so I explicitly made it optional and made the compiler count how many times that Node is referenced while my code executes. In many other languages, this will “just work™️”

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Node {
pos: Point,
dir: Point,
cost: u32,
from: Option<Rc<Node>>,

Now in the main algorithm function, I no longer return from the function when I see an ending position. I check if the cost for the current node is higher than the current global lowest cost.

  • If it is, that means all shortest paths have been found, and I can break out of the loop.
  • If it is not, it found a shortest path and I record all positions by backtracking starting at the end and going to the start, one node.from step at a time. Then I continue looping.
fn shortest_paths_positions(map: &HashMap<Point, Tile>, start: Point, end: Point) -> usize {
// keep track of all positions along a shortest path
let mut best_positions = HashSet::new();
// keep track of shortest cost from start to end
let mut lowest_cost = u32::MAX;
// total cost to reach a point facing a direction
let mut shortest: HashMap<(Point, Point), u32> = HashMap::new();
// priority queue with ordering so the Node with the lowest cost gets popped first
let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
pq.push(Node {
pos: start,
dir: Point::new(0, 1),
from: None,
cost: 0,
while let Some(node) = pq.pop() {
// did we pop our goal position off the pq?
// if so, it is guaranteed to have the lowest cost, and this completes a shortest path
if node.pos == end {
lowest_cost = lowest_cost.min(node.cost);
if node.cost > lowest_cost {
// we went further than the minimum cost, stop looping
// reconstruct the path
let mut curr = Rc::new(node);
while curr.pos != start {
if let Some(prev) = &curr.from {
curr = prev.clone();
if let Some(&lowest) = shortest.get(&(node.pos, node.dir)) {
if lowest < node.cost {
shortest.insert((node.pos, node.dir), node.cost);
for (new_pos, new_dir, move_cost) in moves(map, node.pos, node.dir) {
let new_cost = node.cost + move_cost;
if let Some(&lowest) = shortest.get(&(new_pos, new_dir)) {
if lowest <= new_cost {
pq.push(Node {
pos: new_pos,
dir: new_dir,
cost: new_cost,
// remember where this node came from
from: Some(Rc::new(node.clone())),


Again, nice and tidy because of helper functions.
fn part_2(input: &str) -> usize {
let (start, end, map) = parse(input);
shortest_paths_positions(&map, start, end)

Final code

Combining both is as complicated as also returning the global lowest cost along with the set length in the part 2 function.
use std::{
collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, HashSet},
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
struct Point {
row: i32,
col: i32,
impl Point {
fn new(row: i32, col: i32) -> Self {
Self { row, col }
fn add(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
Self::new(self.row + other.row, self.col + other.col)
fn clockwise(&self) -> Self {
Point::new(self.col, -self.row)
fn counter_clockwise(&self) -> Self {
Point::new(-self.col, self.row)
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
enum Tile {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Node {
pos: Point,
dir: Point,
cost: u32,
from: Option<Rc<Node>>,
impl Ord for Node {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for Node {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
fn moves(map: &HashMap<Point, Tile>, pos: Point, dir: Point) -> Vec<(Point, Point, u32)> {
let mut moves = Vec::new();
let new_loc = pos.add(&dir);
if let Some(&tile) = map.get(&new_loc) {
if tile != Tile::Wall {
moves.push((new_loc, dir, 1));
moves.push((pos, dir.clockwise(), 1000));
moves.push((pos, dir.counter_clockwise(), 1000));
fn parse(input: &str) -> (Point, Point, HashMap<Point, Tile>) {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
let mut start = Point::new(0, 0);
let mut end = Point::new(0, 0);
for (row, line) in input.lines().enumerate() {
for (col, c) in line.chars().enumerate() {
let point = Point::new(row as i32, col as i32);
let tile = match c {
'.' => Tile::Empty,
'#' => Tile::Wall,
'E' => Tile::End,
'S' => Tile::Start,
_ => panic!("at the disco"),
if tile == Tile::Start {
start = point;
if tile == Tile::End {
end = point;
map.insert(point, tile);
(start, end, map)
fn dijkstra(map: &HashMap<Point, Tile>, start: Point, end: Point) -> (u32, usize) {
let mut best_positions = HashSet::new();
let mut lowest_cost = u32::MAX;
let mut shortest: HashMap<(Point, Point), u32> = HashMap::new();
let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
pq.push(Node {
pos: start,
dir: Point::new(0, 1),
from: None,
cost: 0,
while let Some(node) = pq.pop() {
if node.pos == end {
lowest_cost = lowest_cost.min(node.cost);
if node.cost > lowest_cost {
let mut curr = Rc::new(node);
while curr.pos != start {
if let Some(prev) = &curr.from {
curr = prev.clone();
if let Some(&lowest) = shortest.get(&(node.pos, node.dir)) {
if lowest < node.cost {
shortest.insert((node.pos, node.dir), node.cost);
for (new_pos, new_dir, move_cost) in moves(map, node.pos, node.dir) {
let new_cost = node.cost + move_cost;
if let Some(&lowest) = shortest.get(&(new_pos, new_dir)) {
if lowest <= new_cost {
pq.push(Node {
pos: new_pos,
dir: new_dir,
cost: new_cost,
from: Some(Rc::new(node.clone())),
(lowest_cost, best_positions.len())
pub fn both(input: &str) -> (u32, usize) {
let (start, end, map) = parse(input);
dijkstra(&map, start, end)