
Advent of Code 2024 Day 17

Day 17: Chronospatial Computer

Another day, another … familiar sensation this time, as you’re falling.

You need to debug the handheld timetravel/teleportation-device you have been using throughout this advent.

It has a computer with 3 registers, those are storage spots for numbers. The program it is trying to run consists of a list of numbers, and it is listed at the bottom of the input.

An example input looks like this:

Register A: 729
Register B: 0
Register C: 0
Program: 0,1,5,4,3,0


I parsed today’s input into a list of numbers, nothing fancy.

  • first number is A
  • second number is B
  • third number is C
  • the rest of the numbers are the program
fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<u64> {
.split(|c: char| !c.is_ascii_digit())
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
.map(|s| s.parse().unwrap())

Part 1

The computer uses an instruction pointer, it functions as an index into the program. That instruction pointer starts as 0, so it starts off pointing at the first number in the program (a list of numbers).

A computer looks like this:

struct Computer {
ip: usize,
a: u64,
b: u64,
c: u64,
program: Vec<u64>,

The program can do 8 operations.

Each operation uses 2 numbers from the program memory.

  1. The opcode at program[ip]
  2. The operand at program[ip + 2]

Per time it does an operation, I increment the ip (instruction pointer) by 2 to move past the 2 numbers the computer just used.

Which type of instruction is executed is determined by the opcode. It might change the numbers in the registers, or change the ip.

The operand might get modified before it gets used by an instruction. There are 2 options:

  1. literal operand: operand remains unchanged
  2. combo operand:
    • operands 0 through 3 remain unchanged
    • operand 4 turn into the value of register A.
    • operand 5 turn into the value of register B.
    • operand 6 turn into the value of register C.
    • operand 7 is reserved and will not appear in valid programs.

The 8 instructions:

  • ** represents exponentiation.
  • ^ represent the bitwise XOR operation
  • % represents a modulo operation
  1. adv: a / (2 ** combo), store result in a
  2. bxl: b ^ literal, store result in the b
  3. bst: combo % 8, store result in b
  4. jnz: change ip to literal operand if a is not 0
  5. bxc: b ^ c store result in b (this operation ignores its operand)
  6. out: combo % 8, output result
  7. bdv: a / (2 ** combo), store result in b
  8. cdv: a / (2 ** combo), store result in c


I used a data structure that holds a computer.

  • It has a method to turn an operand into a combo operand.
  • It has a method that runs the program until it outputs a number or halts (the instruction pointer points outside of the program memory).
struct Computer<'a> {
ip: usize,
a: u64,
b: u64,
c: u64,
program: &'a [u64],
impl Computer<'_> {
fn combo(&self, operand: u64) -> u64 {
match operand {
0..=3 => operand,
4 => self.a,
5 => self.b,
6 => self.c,
_ => panic!("at the disco"),
fn run(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {
while self.ip < self.program.len() {
let opcode = self.program[self.ip];
let operand = self.program[self.ip + 1];
self.ip += 2;
match opcode {
// adv: a/2^combo, store in a
0 => self.a >>= self.combo(operand),
// bxl: bitwise xor of b and literal-operand, store in b
1 => self.b ^= operand,
// bst: combo % 8, store in b
2 => self.b = self.combo(operand) % 8,
// jnz: jump to literal operand if a not zero
3 => {
if self.a != 0 {
self.ip = operand as usize;
// bxc: bitwise xor of b and c, store in b (ignores operand)
4 => self.b ^= self.c,
// out: combo % 8, outputs result
5 => {
let out = self.combo(operand) % 8;
return Some(out);
// bdv: a/2^combo, store in b
6 => self.b = self.a >> self.combo(operand),
// cdv: a/2^combo, store in c
7 => self.c = self.a >> self.combo(operand),
_ => panic!("at the disco"),


The question asks you to print the all the numbers the computer outputs, and place a comma between each one.
pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> String {
let nums = parse(input);
let mut computer = Computer {
ip: 0,
a: nums[0],
b: nums[1],
c: nums[2],
program: &nums[3..],
let mut out = Vec::new();
while let Some(n) = {
.map(|c| c.to_string())

Part 2

The program is supposed to output another copy of the input program, but it doesn’t, because the input value in register A is corrupt.

The question asks what the lowest valid number for A is (so the program outputs another copy of itself).

My solution (which heavily uses some help I got in the Rust Adventure Discord) makes a few assumptions about the input and uses them.

  • Your program ends in 3,0. That means at the end of the program the value of a must be 0.

  • The initial values for b and c do not matter as they are set entirely based on the initial value in a.

  • There is only one operation in the program that modifies a,
    and it is a / (2 ** 3). That’s equivalent to a >> 3.

So I used backtracking to find the original value for a, given the program numbers. The last valid value for a is 0, because that’s necessary for the program to end.

Starting with the last number the program should output and working backwards. Each loop, I try to figure out what the previous number for a could have been given a valid value for a in the next loop, and the number the program outputs.

I keep track of these possible valid values in a list, as each loop can result in multiple valid numbers a could have been.

I use the numbers in that list, call one valid_next_a, and I know that number is the result of a >> 3.

In other words: next_a = a >> 3.

The value for next_a is known, so I try all possible values for a and see if they cause the correct program output.

That value the inverse of the operation + a number that has no inpact on the operation: a = (next_a << 3) + something_with_3_bits

pub fn part_2(input: &str) -> u64 {
let nums = parse(input);
let program = &nums[3..];
// a list of all valid values for a for the current step that causes the correct next number in
// the program being output.
// starts with [0] because a must be 0 at the end for the program to end
// reason: at the end of the input there is a jnz instruction that jumps back to ip 0
// (that means your program ends in 3,0)
let mut valid = vec![0];
// work backwards through the program to recreate it using known valid values for a that
// produce the correct next output number in the program
for &wanted in program.iter().rev() {
let mut curr_valid = Vec::new();
for valid_next_a in valid {
// try all possible values n that recreate the new a, so the valid_next_a << 3 operation still has the same result
for n in 0..8 {
// the value in the a register is only changed once, it is divided by 2^3 (or
// shifted right by 3)
// shift valid_next_a 3 to the left, then add the n to get the original value for a
let a = (valid_next_a << 3) | n;
let mut computer = Computer {
ip: 0,
// both b and c are set from the value in a so their starting value does not
// matter
b: 0,
c: 0,
// if this program outputs the previous value in the program, the value for a was
// correct
if let Some(result) = {
if result == wanted {
valid = curr_valid;
// the program is in the starting state now, so valid holds a list of valid numbers for the a
// register that output the entire program at this point

Final code
struct Computer<'a> {
ip: usize,
a: u64,
b: u64,
c: u64,
program: &'a [u64],
impl Computer<'_> {
fn combo(&self, operand: u64) -> u64 {
match operand {
0..=3 => operand,
4 => self.a,
5 => self.b,
6 => self.c,
_ => panic!("at the disco"),
fn run(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {
while self.ip < self.program.len() {
let opcode = self.program[self.ip];
let operand = self.program[self.ip + 1];
self.ip += 2;
match opcode {
// adv: a/2^combo, store in a
0 => self.a >>= self.combo(operand),
// bxl: bitwise xor of b and literal-operand, store in b
1 => self.b ^= operand,
// bst: combo % 8, store in b
2 => self.b = self.combo(operand) % 8,
// jnz: jump to literal operand if a not zero
3 => {
if self.a != 0 {
self.ip = operand as usize;
// bxc: bitwise xor of b and c, store in b (ignores operand)
4 => self.b ^= self.c,
// out: combo % 8, outputs result
5 => {
let out = self.combo(operand) % 8;
return Some(out);
// bdv: a/2^combo, store in b
6 => self.b = self.a >> self.combo(operand),
// cdv: a/2^combo, store in c
7 => self.c = self.a >> self.combo(operand),
_ => panic!("at the disco"),
fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<u64> {
.split(|c: char| !c.is_ascii_digit())
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
.map(|s| s.parse().unwrap())
pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> String {
let nums = parse(input);
let mut computer = Computer {
ip: 0,
a: nums[0],
b: nums[1],
c: nums[2],
program: &nums[3..],
let mut out = Vec::new();
while let Some(n) = {
.map(|c| c.to_string())
pub fn part_2(input: &str) -> u64 {
let nums = parse(input);
let program = &nums[3..];
// a list of all valid values for a for the current step that causes the correct next number in
// the program being output.
// starts with [0] because a must be 0 at the end for the program to end
// reason: at the end of the input there is a jnz instruction that jumps back to ip 0
// (that means your program ends in 3,0)
let mut valid = vec![0];
// work backwards through the program to recreate it using known valid values for a that
// produce the correct next output number in the program
for &wanted in program.iter().rev() {
let mut curr_valid = Vec::new();
for valid_next_a in valid {
// try all possible values n that recreate the new a, so the valid_next_a << 3 operation still has the same result
for n in 0..8 {
// the value in the a register is only changed once, it is divided by 2^3 (or
// shifted right by 3)
// shift valid_next_a 3 to the left, then add the n to get the original value for a
let a = (valid_next_a << 3) | n;
let mut computer = Computer {
ip: 0,
// both b and c are set from the value in a so their starting value does not
// matter
b: 0,
c: 0,
// if this program outputs the previous value in the program, the value for a was
// correct
if let Some(result) = {
if result == wanted {
valid = curr_valid;
// the program is in the starting state now, so valid holds a list of valid numbers for the a
// register that output the entire program at this point