
Advent of Code 2024 Day 25

Day 25: Crossed Wires

Back to the place where we started the search, the Chief Historian’s office.

The door is locked. An elf hands you schematics for every lock and every key used on the North Pole

An example input looks like this:


A # is solid, a . is empty space.

  • Keys start from the bottom (so they have . at the start of their block).

  • Locks start from the top (so they have # at the start of their block).

  • Each lock has 5 pins (columns in a block)

  • Each lock is 7 deep (rows in a block)


Represenging the input as 2 sets, one for locks and one for keys.

Per block:
For each column, I count the amount of space that is filled.

fn parse(input: &str) -> (HashSet<[u8; 5]>, HashSet<[u8; 5]>) {
let mut locks = HashSet::new();
let mut keys = HashSet::new();
for block in input.split("\n\n") {
let set = if block.starts_with('.') {
&mut keys
} else {
&mut locks
let mut heights = [0; 5];
for line in block.lines() {
for (idx, c) in line.chars().enumerate() {
if c == '#' {
heights[idx] += 1;
(locks, keys)

Part 1

The question asks how many lock/key combinations do not have overlapping filled space.

For any key/lock combination:
The amount of filled space in any column cannot be greater than the height of the lock.
fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
let (locks, keys) = parse(input);
let mut sum = 0;
for lock in &locks {
for key in &keys {
if lock.iter().zip(key).all(|(l, k)| l + k <= 7) {
sum += 1;

Part 2

This part is very secret.

It started snowing, have a great year, and see you next year for more Advent of Code!

Final code
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn parse(input: &str) -> (HashSet<[u8; 5]>, HashSet<[u8; 5]>) {
let mut locks = HashSet::new();
let mut keys = HashSet::new();
for block in input.split("\n\n") {
let set = if block.starts_with('.') {
&mut keys
} else {
&mut locks
let mut heights = [0; 5];
for line in block.lines() {
for (idx, c) in line.chars().enumerate() {
if c == '#' {
heights[idx] += 1;
(locks, keys)
fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
let (locks, keys) = parse(input);
let mut sum = 0;
for lock in &locks {
for key in &keys {
if lock.iter().zip(key).all(|(l, k)| l + k <= 7) {
sum += 1;