
Advent of Code 2024 Day 21

Day 21: Keypad Conundrum

Another day, another familiar location.

There is a door that needs to be opened by entering a bunch of codes on a keypad.

An example input looks like this:


Each line is a sequence of keys that should be pressed. That A is the submit key. A numeric keypad looks like this:

| 7 | 8 | 9 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0 | A |

But there is a wrinkle (ofcourse there is),

The codes have to be entered by a robot, robots can be controlled through another keypad, a directional one.

A directional keypad looks like this:

| ^ | A |
| < | v | > |

A robot arrives at a keypad with their “finger” pointed at A. Each instruction pressed on a directional keypad causes the other robot’s “finger” to move one spot in that direction, or press the key they are currently pointing at if the instruction was A.

A robot can never point at the empty space on the keypad they are at, else … they blow up or something? Bad things happen, better not find out.


Turning the input into a list of codes.

fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<&str> {

Part 1

There is an additional wrinkle, the robot controlling the numeric keypad robot has to be controlled by a robot. You control that robot with your own directional keypad.

I heard you like controlling robots, so we made you control robots while you control robots

The problem statement has a detailed explanation and examples.

To summarize:

  • One directional keypad that you are using.
  • Two directional keypads that robots are using.
  • One numeric keypad (on a door) that a robot is using.

The complexity of a single code (like 029A) is equal to the result of multiplying these two values:

  1. The length of the shortest sequence of button presses you need to type on your directional keypad in order to cause the code to be typed on the numeric keypad; for 029A, this would be 68.
  2. The numeric part of the code (ignoring leading zeroes); for 029A, this would be 29.

The question asks for the sum of all complexities for the codes in your input.

The solution here is done with a lot of hindsight, my original solve was much messier. But I left in some of the logic duplication in the code for the individual parts because it’s cleaner to explain.

This is really 2 grid problems in disguise.

  1. A numeric keypad one
  2. A directional keypad one

During the solving of the numeric keypad one, I solve the directional keypad one. Several times! As there are multiple directional keypads to control.

Some skeleton/pseudocode I will works towards:

fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
let codes = parse(input);
let mut sum = 0;
for code in codes {
let num = get_code_num(code);
let len = solve(code);
sum += num * len


As this is a grid problem, you might know what’s coming, the holidays Point! The Point struct has a method that returns the new location of a point when you sent it an instruction. And optionally, an output (if that instruction was an A).

It takes in a map of the keypad on which the instruction should be executed, those maps are made by my very next helper functions.

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
struct Point {
row: i32,
col: i32,
impl Point {
fn new(row: i32, col: i32) -> Self {
Self { row, col }
fn execute(&self, inst: char, pad: &HashMap<Point, char>) -> (Point, Option<char>) {
match inst {
'^' => (Self::new(self.row - 1, self.col), None),
'>' => (Self::new(self.row, self.col + 1), None),
'v' => (Self::new(self.row + 1, self.col), None),
'<' => (Self::new(self.row, self.col - 1), None),
'A' => (Self::new(self.row, self.col), Some(pad[self])),
_ => panic!("at the disco"),

Then 2 helpers that turn keypads into maps from Point to the character at that location. Again, not the most efficient way to store it, but one I like a lot. And today, it pays off because of the empty spots that are not part of the grids!

fn make_numpad() -> HashMap<Point, char> {
// +---+---+---+
// | 7 | 8 | 9 |
// +---+---+---+
// | 4 | 5 | 6 |
// +---+---+---+
// | 1 | 2 | 3 |
// +---+---+---+
// | 0 | A |
// +---+---+
(Point::new(0, 0), '7'),
(Point::new(0, 1), '8'),
(Point::new(0, 2), '9'),
(Point::new(1, 0), '4'),
(Point::new(1, 1), '5'),
(Point::new(1, 2), '6'),
(Point::new(2, 0), '1'),
(Point::new(2, 1), '2'),
(Point::new(2, 2), '3'),
(Point::new(3, 1), '0'),
(Point::new(3, 2), 'A'),
fn make_dirpad() -> HashMap<Point, char> {
// +---+---+
// | ^ | A |
// +---+---+---+
// | < | v | > |
// +---+---+---+
(Point::new(0, 1), '^'),
(Point::new(0, 2), 'A'),
(Point::new(1, 0), '<'),
(Point::new(1, 1), 'v'),
(Point::new(1, 2), '>'),

It’s time to start working towards that solve function from the skeleton. It returns the length of the sequence you have to enter on your keypad.

But it’s really solving for the shortest path, and what’s being navigated is the numeric keypad. Time for another round of our good pal Edsgser!

If you want a refresher, I used that algorithm in day16, and there are many online resources on it.

First the definition of the node in the priority queue, then the shortest path algorithm itself.

I chose to let the solve function take in a list of characters instead of the raw string. The same thing, but a bit easier to index into, which I do.

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct NumPadNode {
cost: usize,
pos: Point,
instr: char,
len: usize,
impl Ord for NumPadNode {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for NumPadNode {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
fn solve(code: Vec<char>) -> usize {
let numpad = make_numpad();
let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
let mut costmap = HashMap::new();
// start pointed at the A on the numpad
pq.push(NumPadNode {
cost: 0,
pos: Point::new(3, 2),
instr: 'A',
len: 0,
while let Some(node) = pq.pop() {
if node.len == code.len() {
return node.cost;
// insert (pos, instr, len) combo, if it was already seen, continue
if costmap
.insert((node.pos, node.instr, node.len), node.cost)
for new_instr in "^A<v>".chars() {
let (new_pos, output) = node.pos.execute(new_instr, &numpad);
// if new pos ends up in the empty position of the pad, skip
if !numpad.contains_key(&new_pos) {
let mut new_len = node.len;
if let Some(instr) = output {
if instr != code[new_len] {
new_len += 1;
let new_cost = node.cost + calc_cost(new_instr, node.instr, 2);
pq.push(NumPadNode {
cost: new_cost,
pos: new_pos,
instr: new_instr,
len: new_len,
panic!("at the disco");

In that code, I use a calc_cost function to calculate how much a move for the numeric keypad would cost at the final directional keypad I am controlling.

That’s a recursive function! It returns the cost for a certain amount of robots (called depth) in code. Each time I recurse, I decrement depth by 1. The base case for the recursion is when depth reaches 0, then the cost is 1 (meaning: 1 move has 1 cost).

It also start off as a regular Dijkstra shortest path algorithm, but recurses each time the new cost for a node is calculated.

The node in this priority queue is slightly different to the one in the queue for solve, instead of keeping track of the length of the path, it keeps track of the previously output of executing an instruction (can be empty!).

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct DirPadNode {
cost: usize,
pos: Point,
instr: char,
output: Option<char>,
impl Ord for DirPadNode {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for DirPadNode {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
fn calc_cost(goal: char, prev_instr: char, depth: usize) -> usize {
let point_to_key = make_dirpad();
let key_to_point: HashMap<_, _> = point_to_key.iter().map(|(pos, c)| (c, pos)).collect();
if depth == 0 {
return 1;
let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
// start pointed at prev instr
pq.push(DirPadNode {
cost: 0,
pos: *key_to_point[&prev_instr],
instr: 'A', // more accurate would be a "nothing" value
output: None,
while let Some(node) = pq.pop() {
if node.output.is_some_and(|key| key == goal) {
return node.cost;
for new_instr in "^A<v>".chars() {
let (new_pos, new_output) = node.pos.execute(new_instr, &point_to_key);
// if new pos ends up in the empty position of the pad, continue
if !point_to_key.contains_key(&new_pos) {
// if output isn't equal to goal, continue
if new_output.is_some_and(|instr| instr != goal) {
// calculate total cost of executing new_instr
let new_cost = node.cost + calc_cost(new_instr, node.instr, depth - 1);
pq.push(DirPadNode {
cost: new_cost,
pos: new_pos,
instr: new_instr,
output: new_output,
panic!("at the disco");


Put them all together, and it’s very close to the original skeleton.
pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
let codes = parse(input);
let mut sum = 0;
for code in codes {
let num: usize = code.strip_suffix('A').unwrap().parse().unwrap();
let len = solve(code.chars().collect());
sum += num * len

Part 2

Now the number of intermediary robots is 25.

  • One directional keypad that you are using.
  • 25 directional keypads that robots are using.
  • One numeric keypad (on a door) that a robot is using.

The code for part1 is nearly correct. Changing the hardcoded 2 to a 25 makes is correct.

But it’s too slow.

A trick from previous days: slap a cache on that recursion and bam, we’re dynamically programming over here!

fn calc_cost(
goal: char,
prev_key: char,
depth: usize,
cache: &mut HashMap<(char, char, usize), usize>,
) -> usize {
if let Some(&cost) = cache.get(&(goal, prev_key, depth)) {
return cost;
if depth == 0 {
return 1;
let point_to_key = make_dirpad();
let key_to_point: HashMap<_, _> = point_to_key.iter().map(|(pos, c)| (c, pos)).collect();
let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
pq.push(DirPadNode {
cost: 0,
pos: *key_to_point[&prev_key],
instr: 'A',
output: None,
while let Some(node) = pq.pop() {
if node.output.is_some_and(|key| key == goal) {
cache.insert((goal, prev_key, depth), node.cost);
return node.cost;
for new_move in "^A<v>".chars() {
let (new_pos, pressed) = node.pos.execute(new_move, &point_to_key);
if !point_to_key.contains_key(&new_pos) {
if let Some(pressed) = pressed {
if pressed != goal {
let new_cost = node.cost + calc_cost(new_move, node.instr, depth - 1, cache);
pq.push(DirPadNode {
cost: new_cost,
pos: new_pos,
instr: new_move,
output: pressed,
panic!("at the disco");

And the solve function where that cache gets constructed and passed to the original recursive function call.

fn solve(code: Vec<char>) -> usize {
let numpad = make_numpad();
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
let mut costmap = HashMap::new();
pq.push(NumPadNode {
cost: 0,
pos: Point::new(3, 2),
instr: 'A',
len: 0,
while let Some(node) = pq.pop() {
if node.len == code.len() {
return node.cost;
if costmap
.insert((node.pos, node.instr, node.len), node.cost)
for new_move in "A^<v>".chars() {
let (new_pos, pressed) = node.pos.execute(new_move, &numpad);
if !numpad.contains_key(&new_pos) {
let mut new_len = node.len;
if let Some(pressed) = pressed {
if pressed != code[new_len] {
new_len += 1;
let new_cost = node.cost + calc_cost(new_move, node.instr, 25, &mut cache);
pq.push(NumPadNode {
cost: new_cost,
pos: new_pos,
instr: new_move,
len: new_len,
panic!("at the disco");


Same as part 1, the changes were in the helpers.

Final code

  1. I made the depth to recurse a parameter instead of hardcoding it
  2. I condensed the two node types into one and stored the specific part in a tuple in each function’s queue.

Making those changes to the code for part2:
use std::{
collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap},
fn make_numpad() -> HashMap<Point, char> {
(Point::new(0, 0), '7'),
(Point::new(0, 1), '8'),
(Point::new(0, 2), '9'),
(Point::new(1, 0), '4'),
(Point::new(1, 1), '5'),
(Point::new(1, 2), '6'),
(Point::new(2, 0), '1'),
(Point::new(2, 1), '2'),
(Point::new(2, 2), '3'),
(Point::new(3, 1), '0'),
(Point::new(3, 2), 'A'),
fn make_dirpad() -> HashMap<Point, char> {
(Point::new(0, 1), '^'),
(Point::new(0, 2), 'A'),
(Point::new(1, 0), '<'),
(Point::new(1, 1), 'v'),
(Point::new(1, 2), '>'),
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
struct Point {
row: i32,
col: i32,
impl Point {
fn new(row: i32, col: i32) -> Self {
Self { row, col }
fn execute(&self, inst: char, pad: &HashMap<Point, char>) -> (Point, Option<char>) {
match inst {
'^' => (Self::new(self.row - 1, self.col), None),
'>' => (Self::new(self.row, self.col + 1), None),
'v' => (Self::new(self.row + 1, self.col), None),
'<' => (Self::new(self.row, self.col - 1), None),
'A' => (Self::new(self.row, self.col), Some(pad[self])),
_ => panic!("at the disco"),
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Node {
cost: usize,
pos: Point,
instr: char,
impl Ord for Node {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for Node {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
fn calc_cost(
goal: char,
prev_instr: char,
depth: u8,
cache: &mut HashMap<(char, char, u8), usize>,
) -> usize {
if let Some(&cost) = cache.get(&(goal, prev_instr, depth)) {
return cost;
if depth == 0 {
return 1;
let point_to_key = make_dirpad();
let key_to_point: HashMap<_, _> = point_to_key.iter().map(|(pos, c)| (c, pos)).collect();
let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
Node {
cost: 0,
pos: *key_to_point[&prev_instr],
instr: 'A',
while let Some((node, output)) = pq.pop() {
if output.is_some_and(|key| key == goal) {
cache.insert((goal, prev_instr, depth), node.cost);
return node.cost;
for new_instr in "^A<v>".chars() {
let (new_pos, new_output) = node.pos.execute(new_instr, &point_to_key);
if !point_to_key.contains_key(&new_pos) {
if new_output.is_some_and(|instr| instr != goal) {
let new_cost = node.cost + calc_cost(new_instr, node.instr, depth - 1, cache);
Node {
cost: new_cost,
pos: new_pos,
instr: new_instr,
panic!("at the disco");
fn solve(code: Vec<char>, depth: u8) -> usize {
let numpad = make_numpad();
let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
let mut costmap = HashMap::new();
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
Node {
cost: 0,
pos: Point::new(3, 2),
instr: 'A',
while let Some((node, len)) = pq.pop() {
if len == code.len() {
return node.cost;
if costmap
.insert((node.pos, node.instr, len), node.cost)
for new_instr in "^A<v>".chars() {
let (new_pos, output) = node.pos.execute(new_instr, &numpad);
if !numpad.contains_key(&new_pos) {
let mut new_len = len;
if let Some(instr) = output {
if instr != code[new_len] {
new_len += 1;
let new_cost = node.cost + calc_cost(new_instr, node.instr, depth, &mut cache);
Node {
cost: new_cost,
pos: new_pos,
instr: new_instr,
panic!("at the disco");
fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<&str> {
pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
let codes = parse(input);
let mut sum = 0;
for code in codes {
let num: usize = code.strip_suffix('A').unwrap().parse().unwrap();
let len = solve(code.chars().collect(), 2);
sum += num * len
pub fn part_2(input: &str) -> usize {
let codes = parse(input);
let mut sum = 0;
for code in codes {
let num: usize = code.strip_suffix('A').unwrap().parse().unwrap();
let len = solve(code.chars().collect(), 25);
sum += num * len