
Advent of Code 2024 Day 19

Day 19: Linen Layout

You are at a spa and have to arrange a bunch of towels into patterns.

An example input looks like this:

r, wr, b, g, bwu, rb, gb, br

The top section is a list of available towel types, the bottom section is a list of patterns to make with those towels.

For each towel type, the spa has infinitely many of them, they want to know if it’s possible to combine them in ways that make a certain pattern.

What the letters in the input mean is not really important, but here goes anyway: each letter in a towel represents a coloured stripe. The patterns have a bunch of coloured stripes in a specific order.

Flipping a towel to get its pattern in reverse in not allowed.


Making 2 lists of strings.

fn parse(input: &str) -> (Vec<&str>, Vec<&str>) {
let (towels, patterns) = input.split_once("\n\n").unwrap();
let towels = towels.split(", ").collect();
let patterns = patterns.lines().collect();
(towels, patterns)

Part 1

The question asks how many patterns are possible to make given the available towel types.

Yay, this is a recursive function!

Count the amount of ways a pattern can be made, inside the function that does that count the amount of ways a smaller pattern can be made.

First some skeleton/pseudo-code for the thing I want to code towards.

pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
let (towels, patterns) = parse(input);
.filter(|pattern| count_sequences(pattern, &towels) != 0)


The recursive function.

It takes a pattern I want to make, and a set of available towel types. For each available type of towel, I check if the wanted pattern starts with the stripes on that towel. If it does, I use that same function to count how many ways there are to make the pattern with that towel cut off from the start of the pattern. I then return the sum of all those ways.

The base case for my resursion is when the pattern is empty, because then we successfully cut off a bunch of towels that make the original pattern.

fn count_sequences(pattern: &str, towels: &[&str]) -> u64 {
if pattern.is_empty() {
return 1;
.filter(|&towel| pattern.starts_with(towel))
.map(|towel| count_sequences(&pattern[towel.len()..], towels))


Now, that code is correct, but slow. It recomputes the same thing over and over.

So I remember previous work and store it in a cache.

Feeding that cache into my recursive function and BAM, I just did some dynamic programming.
fn count_sequences<'a>(
pattern: &'a str,
towels: &[&str],
cache: &mut HashMap<&'a str, u64>,
) -> u64 {
if pattern.is_empty() {
return 1;
if let Some(&num) = cache.get(&pattern) {
return num;
let sum = towels
.filter(|&towel| pattern.starts_with(towel))
.map(|towel| count_sequences(&pattern[towel.len()..], towels, cache))
cache.insert(pattern, sum);
pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
let (towels, patterns) = parse(input);
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
.filter(|pattern| count_sequences(pattern, &towels, &mut cache) != 0)

Part 2

The question asks for the sum of the amount of ways the patterns can be made.

My part1 paid off, and part2 is a tiny change now!

pub fn part_2(input: &str) -> u64 {
let (towels, patterns) = parse(input);
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
.map(|pattern| count_sequences(pattern, &towels, &mut cache))

Final code
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn count_sequences<'a>(
pattern: &'a str,
towels: &[&str],
cache: &mut HashMap<&'a str, u64>,
) -> u64 {
if pattern.is_empty() {
return 1;
if let Some(&num) = cache.get(&pattern) {
return num;
let sum = towels
.filter(|&towel| pattern.starts_with(towel))
.map(|towel| count_sequences(&pattern[towel.len()..], towels, cache))
cache.insert(pattern, sum);
fn parse(input: &str) -> (Vec<&str>, Vec<&str>) {
let (towels, patterns) = input.split_once("\n\n").unwrap();
let towels = towels.split(", ").collect();
let patterns = patterns.lines().collect();
(towels, patterns)
fn part_1(input: &str) -> usize {
let (towels, patterns) = parse(input);
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
.filter(|pattern| count_sequences(pattern, &towels, &mut cache) != 0)
fn part_2(input: &str) -> u64 {
let (towels, patterns) = parse(input);
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
.map(|pattern| count_sequences(pattern, &towels, &mut cache))